Rethinking Winter Interest in Virginia Gardens (Stop asking your garden designer for evergreens)
Let’s look at the native plants that have always played a role in Virginia’s winter landscapes.

Stone Options for Your Virginia Patio: The Complete Guide
In this patio guide, we're breaking down both natural and manufactured stone options that work well in Virginia's climate, with details on their durability, investment, and ecological impact.

Ecological Landscaping Design Methods
Ecological landscaping is simply gardening that begins with a site's ecology and then works to build a garden that enhances the space for both humans and wildlife. When I'm designing a space, here is where I begin…

Fall Native Plant Sales
As many of you know, our native plant nursery has been in the works for some time now. And after years of planning and cultivating, we’re excited to share these organically-grown plants with you at our pop-up shops this September & October!

Year In Review 2023
We are lucky to find clients every year who share our vision and bring ideas of their own to help us build something special. This was a year of historic renovations and gardens built from blank slates. Here is a roundup of a few of our finished projects this year!

Leave Your Leaves
Let’s all agree to spend more time hiking (or even watching Netflix) than raking leaves this fall.

5 Best Fall Flowers for Vibrant Autumn Color
These fall perennials entice us into the garden as the weather finally cools and most perennials are fading away. Fall perennials are often key sources of nectar for migrating pollinators or food as insects are either preparing to hibernate, overwinter, or migrate.

How to Build a Compost Pile
So, you want to start a compost pile and you’re finalllllly ready to get started. Calculate carbon to nitrogen ratios? Debate every day what to add and what not to add? No, thanks.
Composting is easy, simple, and free, so stick with me…

Caterpillars, Leaf Damage, and Managing A No-Spray Garden
It’s easy to get upset about leaf damage, to see your beloved plants with holes and missing foliage. But, it’s A GREAT SIGN. It means the plants are doing their job. And while chewed up leaves might not be your favorite look, leaf-feeding caterpillars are rarely a threat to your plants.
Marketing & Communications Strategist

Beautiful Plant Combinations for Difficult Sites
Have a difficult site? We have solutions…

Three Popular Garden Myths Busted
Stop doing these three common garden mistakes!
Get better blooms and healthier plants…